The Role of Core Effector

Guideline for the use of Social Media
This user guideline (hereinafter “Guideline”) applies to you, the social media user (hereinafter “User”), while using or interacting with FANCL’s (defined below) social media. Thank you for visiting FANCL Corporation’s (hereinafter “FANCL” or “Our”) Official Facebook and Instagram Account (hereinafter “Social Media”). On Our Social Media, we post various contents regarding our products and services, as well as other information.

For everyone to enjoy better communication, we have established this Guideline for the use of Our Social Media. In using Our Social Media, the User agrees to comply with these Guidelines.

Since there are an unspecified large number of users accessing Social Media, please employ common sense when posting information not to cause trouble for other people. By sharing, a post, distributing, tagging or otherwise interacting with Our Social Media, User hereby agrees that FANCL may use your comments, videos, photos or other contents (hereinafter “Contents”) in any manner relating to Our Social Media.

FANCL Official Social Media Accounts
Twitter: (@FANCL_Officia)l!/FANCL_Official
Twitter: (@FANCL_cr)!/FANCL_cr
facebook: (FANCL.Official)
Instagram: (fancl_Official)
Instagram: (fancl_ usa)
facebook: (@FANCL.USA)

1. FANCL does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness of information on our Social Media.
2. FANCL’s official announcements and opinions are to be published through Our official website and press releases. The information posted on our Social Media by FANCL or FANCL employees does not necessarily represent FANCL’s official announcements and opinions. Naturally, Content posted by Users interacting with Our Social Media does not represent opinions or views of FANCL or FANCL’s employees or that of FANCL’s related affiliates.
3. FANCL does not bear responsibility for any Content on Our Social Media.
4. By posting Content to our Social Media, you represent and warrant to FANCL that:
  A)You are of at least 18 years of age
  B)Any persons identified in the Contents posted by User have consented in writing to your posting of such Contents on our Social Media
5. The copyright of Contents belongs to the original author of such Contents. However, the User grants FANCL the fee-free, worldwide, non-exclusive right (with the right to sub-license) to use, modify, edit, extract, copy, reproduce, publish (including but not limited to publish as advertisement on social networking service), translate, or otherwise make use of the published Contents for the purpose of promoting FANCL’s products. Moreover, the User agrees not to exercise copyright or the author's moral rights against FANCL and/or the parties to whom FANCL has granted a sub-license thereof.
6. FANCL will not be liable for damages suffered by Users or any third party arising from or in connection with the User’s use of or interaction with Our Social Media, except for cases where the cause was FANCL’s intentional acts or gross negligence.
7. The User shall indemnify and hold harmless FANCL from and against any and all claims, including but not limited to any liabilities, losses, and damages, incurred by other users and/or a third party arising from or in connection with the User's use of or interaction with Our Social Media. The User shall settle any such claims at their own expense.
8. By posting to our Social Media, liking/sharing Contents, or registering as a follower, the User hereby consents to FANCL’s access, through our Social Media, to the User's account and profile information such as name, profile picture, gender, networks, user ID, and friend list, etc.
9. FANCL is not obligated to acknowledge or reply to any and all comments on Our Social Media.
10. In the event of participating in a campaign, all expenses will be borne by the User.
11. ‘Our Social Media is operated on the systems of the respective social media operating companies. FANCL cannot answer any inquiries relating to such social media operating systems. FANCL also cannot answer questions about functions, usage or other technical questions regarding the software or applications provided by the respective social media websites, social media operating companies, or any other third parties.
12. FANCL may delete information or Contents etc. on the site without giving the User prior notice.

Prohibited behavior
The following actions are prohibited when using or interacting with Our Social Media.
1. Action that violates any law/public order and platform guidelines, or conduct determined to encourage such activity
2. Action that infringes any intellectual property right, including but not limited to a copyright, portrait rights or trademark rights, of FANCL or a third party
3. Action that infringes the privacy of a third party
4. Acts of identifying, disclosing, or leaking personal information without the consent of the involved party
5. Acts of exposing private personal communication with FANCL or a third party.
6. Defamation against any individual, business, country/region, religion, etc.
7. Non-FANCL sponsored commercial activity such as introduction and/or advertisement of own goods, shops, companies, etc.
8. Political activities, election activities, religious activities, or related activities
9. Acts of posting explicit Contents
10. Racist conduct, or conduct that is determined by FANCL or the Social Media platform to be encouraging racism
11. Action unrelated to the purpose of our Social Media
12. Acts of spreading information that clearly misrepresents FANCL.
13. Acts of altering or misrepresenting information relating to Our Social Media or information provided through Our Social Media.
14. Impersonating other users, businesses, or brands, etc.
15. Spam
16. Vandalism
17. Fraud
18. Acts of attempting unauthorized access relating to Our Social Media, FANCL, or FANCL’s affiliates (such as password mining, hacking, etc). 19. Acts of posting or sending harmful computer programs
20. Action not authorized by the respective social media platforms
21. Action that obstructs operation of Our Social Media, or is harmful/is deemed potentially harmful to a third party, inclusive of FANCL.
22. Any other Action deemed inappropriate by FANCL.

Measures against prohibited acts
FANCL may take one or more of the following measures without prior notice, in the event that a User does a prohibited act, or when we judge that a User is likely to do prohibited act, regardless of whether such risk is deliberate or negligent on the user's part.
1. Deletion of Contents
2. Restriction of use of our Social Media (including blocking of the user)
3. Caution or warning via our Social Media messaging platform, or private mail
4. Announcement of taking of the above measures 1~3, via our Social Media messaging platform, or individual mail

Claim for Damages
If User violates this Guideline and causes damages to FANCL, such User shall hold armless and indemnify FANCL may file a claim for damages against said user.
Regarding changes to this Guideline

FANCL may amend this Guideline without prior notice.

Applicable law and jurisdiction
The use of our Social Media, and interpretation and application of this Guideline, shall be governed by the laws of Japan unless otherwise specified. With regard to any dispute or conflict involving our Social Media, Yokohama District Court in Japan shall be the exclusive jurisdiction court unless otherwise specified.
FANCL may, at its sole discretion, answer, respond to, and/or reply to the questions or opinions if deemed necessary by FANCL.

Last updated February 1, 2020